14 days money back guarantee.
If on
receipt of your order you are not satisfied with the products, you
may wish to return within 14 days for a full refund. Any return orders
must be returned in full. Please return by recorded delivery
for proof of posting. Your order and postage charges will be
returned in full.
Any damaged items you receive, please return or notify
me within 7 days.
Please state if you require refund or replacements.
Please allow 14 days delivery for UK orders and a little longer for
oversea orders. Oversea orders are dispatched by Airmail
& Packaging: worldwide £1.00
UK Overseas
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Cheque Money
Orders in UK funds
Postal Orders
Orders can be taken online via
PAYPAL a secure method of online payments.
Just browse my online catalogue,
click items you wish to purchase and put them in your shopping basket.
After you have finished go to "checkout" and you will be directed
directly to PAYPALS secure pages to complete your payment transaction.
At no time do I see your credit card details. You will need
to have a PAYPAL account to purchase this way. If you do no
have an account, you can take a look at their site..... Its quick
and easy to join....
Orders by post via cheque and postal orders.
Payable to: Alyson Waugh
Alyson Waugh
22 Crossleys